Why should you choose Helping Hand Tutoring?


  • We are the leading provider of tutoring services to the public and private sectors in Northern Ireland.
  • We give a Helping Hand with the Northern Ireland Curriculum, from Primary School to G.C.S.E., AS and A-Level.
  • Helping Hand Tutoring can help primary school students fully understand and correctly apply the ‘academic basics.’
  • Helping Hand Tutors can help students with examination preparation.
  • Helping Hand Tutoring can help academically and intellectually advanced students remain challenged-and therefore interested in their education.
  • Helping Hand Tutoring can help to improve your child’s self esteem, confidence and academic performance.
  • Helping Hand Tutoring is a locally owned company and provides specialist private tutors in the comfort and safety of your own home.
  • All Helping Hand Tutors are fully qualified tutors.
  • Unlike many other forms of private tutoring in Northern Ireland, Helping Hand Tutoring vets all their tutors with Access NI.